Part-1/ First Semester Diploma in
information Technology
E-Commerce & Web Technology.
Total Th Hrs 80 Total Pr Hrs 80
Total Th Mks 100
Total Pr. Mks 50
This course
provides complete knowledge of E-commerce with an intensive survey of. Technologies
used to support all aspects of electronic Commerce & E-business
requirements. This course provides a complete training of Dream viewer tool
that. Provides a platform to implement these practices and enables students to
make a. complete website that will help the students to move in a marked
Course Contents:
- Introduction to E-Commerce.
The difference between e-commerce and e-business
Unique features of e-commerce technology
Types of e- commerce.
Element of a business model
Business- to consumer (B2C) business models
Business-to- business (B2B) business models
- Introduction to
web Technologies
Fundamental of internet and www concepts.
Protocols (HTTP,FTP, IP,TCP,)
Domain Names ( com, edu, org, net, mil, sip)
Introduction to HTML
- Introduction
- A Text Editor
- A Web Browser
Creating First HTML Document
Html Tag, Head Tag, Title tag, Body
Tag, Heading Paragraph Tag, Line Break Tag, Horizontal Rule Tag, Font Size
Marking Stylish Pages
Bold Tag, italic Tag, Underline
Tag, Typewriter Tag, Big Tag, Small Tag, Emphasis Tag, Citation Tag, Strong
Tag, Lists Unordered List, Order List
Graphics in web page
source Tag, Linking to local Files, to section of a page, Blink Tag, Marquee
Address Fasters and Email Link
Address Tag, Email Tag, Address and
Email Link
Sniffing up text
Mata Tags and Frames
Mata Tag, Mate Refresh Tag, Meta
Descriptor Tag, Frames Target Attribute No Frames Tag
Adding Forms to Web Pages Form Tag
Menu Select, Text Input Element Password input. Element text Area Input Element
Radio Buttons Checks, Boxes Submit &
Reset Button.
Introduction to DHTML
- Introduction to java script, form Validation, Basic,
Languages Structure.
- Introduction to CSS 1 & CSS2.
- Introduction to XHTML.
Dream Weaver
- Introduction.
- Creating Web Project.
- Applying Html on Dream Waver.
- CSS and its Implementation on Dream waver.
- Creating Menus.
- Layouts.
- Slicing.
- Forms.
- Tables.
- Website Project.
Reference Book
Complete Reference
Web Reference
WWW.W3chools. Com
Reference Books / Helping Material
1. E-Commerce by Mohammad Khalid.
2. E-Commerce for Managers by HOP
Cock J.V.
3. Practical E-Commerce Thompson Warne.
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