Friday, 18 January 2013



                        Basic Terminology of Ms- Excel
                        Creating Opening Renaming Saving and Closing Workbook/ Spread Sheet
Editing Functions: Undo, Redo. Fill, Auto Fill, Delete, Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, Find and Replace
Inserting: Header & Footer Cells Rows / Columns and Worksheet
Working with Formulas: Entering Formula with the help of Formula Bar Entering Formula.
Directly into the cells, sue of Arithmetic and Logical Formulas.
Use of Built- in functions Time and Date Concatenation, Sum if, Nested Max, Min.
Average, Count, Now, Month, Day, Year Upper , Lower, Left & Right.
Tools and Date: Spell Check, Auto Correction, Workbook protection Data Sorting and filtering
Formatting Cells and Text, Borders and Shading, Positioning Cells and Text, Auto Format,
Categories, of numbers, Cell / Range Referencing, Alignment, Date & Time Working With Charts, Creating Editing and Formatting of various types of Charts
Printing: Selecting Printer, Print selected areas page selection
- Sorter View.

TO download Click here


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  2. excel is most important software for official working, typically people don't know basic and advance features and functionalities of it. it's very useful at time of large data analyses and entry of data. it's makes work ease and fast as compare of file system or manually entries .

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