Friday, 18 January 2013

Find & Replace...

Find & Replace...
Find allows you to search for Text in Urdu and in English.
Find Text: Enter the text to be searched for in the Find Text edit control.
Replace With: Enter the text that will replace the word(s) found by the Find command.
Replace and Find: This command will replace the current occurence of the found text. It will also find and select the next occurence of the same word(s).
Replace All: This command is similar to Replace and Find except that it will replace all the occurences of the found text in one go.
From Beginning: If you want to start the search from beginning of the text chain then check Find From Beginning option.
Match Case: If you want to match occurrence of the specified text in different case then check Match Case option.
Match Word: If you do not want to match occurrence of the specified text within a word then check Match Whole word option.
Find Next: Click on Find Next button to start the search. If the text is found then the found text will be selected other wise the system will beep.
Find Text: Enter the text to be searched for in the Find Text edit control.
Close: Find dialog stays on top of the text until you press Close.


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