Friday, 30 January 2015

C/C ++ Reserved Words

Faizan Ali contact:- 03235356409 email:-

A reserved word is a word that has special meaning in a programming language and that can not be used for any other purpose. They have special meanings and compiler knowns their meanings. In C/C++, all keywords are in lower-case.
Reserved words canot be used as user-defined names, however, an uppercase reserved words can be used  as a user-define name. But normally, this is not done as it is considered as a poor progranning practice.

Some of the most frequently used C reserved words are:
auto                        else                       long                       switch
break                      enum                     register                 typedef
case                       extern                    return                     union
char                       float                       short                      unsigned
const                     for                           signed                   void
continue               goto                        sizeof                     volatile
default                   if                             static                      while
do                          int                            struct                     _Packed



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