Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Introduction To Data Base

Faizan Ali contact:- 03235356409 email:- ali.faizan0009@hotmail.com

Khybar Pakhtunkhwa Board Of Technical Education Peshawar
Post Inter Diploma In Information Technology(New Course)
(2nd Semester)
2nd Term 2012
Paper:- Introduction To Data Base

Time Allowed:-   03 Hours                                                      Max.Marks:-100

NOTE:-   Attempt Any Five Questions By Selecting At Least One Question From Each Part.All Question Carry Equal Marks.Mobile Phone & Programmable Calculator Are Not Allowed.

Q1:-a)  define and explain the following term data,information,meta data 
and data base?                                                                                                                           (10)
b)         define entity also define its properties with a simple example.                                   (10)

Q2:-a)  write down simple examples of SQL which shows the use of truncate & AND(logical operator)separately?                                                                                                        (10)
b)         write down a simple example of SQL to create a view.                                      (10)

Q3:-a)  define function with character manipulation function?                                                (10)
b)         define dml also explain the term with example insert,delete,update?                        (10)

Q4:-     define key,primary key,simple /composite candidate key with theoretical & SQL examples?                                                                                                                                 (20)

Q5:-a)  define grant and revoke with the help of theoretical & SQL examples.                  (10)
b)         define association/relationship with the help of ER diagram & theoretical definition along with its types.                                                                                                                           (10)

Q6:-a)  define normalization and its types.?                                                                          (10)
b)         write down the SQL examples of maximum &average group functions.                 (10)

Q7:a)   define transaction also explain with the help of example the terms commit & roll back?                                                                                                                            (10)
b)         define ERD?mention atleast three symbols with example & explain each.          (10)

Q8:-     define and explain any two of the following?                                                      (10+10)
aa)    RDBMS  b)DCL  c)Transitive dependency